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Upcoming Events by Upstream


04.04.:  Upstream at GROW@Bonn2024

17.04:  Lunchbreak: Welcome back to Upstream SoSe24!

29.04.:  Lunchbreak with Dr.Murad from Calico, California.

15.05.:  Lunchbreak with Prof.Dr. Hübner from Heidelberg University

11.06.: Coffee with Dr. Miranda: Professor in Mathematics-ICREA Academia, UPC & Centre de Recerca Matemàtica-CRM (Mathematikon, Room 5.200 from 16:00 onwards)

18.06.: Field trip to Haag Streit in Mannheim. Please find the registration link here.

11.07: Lunchbreak with Prof. Dr. med. Maja Hempel: Head (Genetic Polyclinic) 
and Deputy Medical Director (Institute of Human Genetics) 

All lunchbreaks will be held 13:00-14:00, Mathematikon Common Room (INF 205, 5th floor).


Upstream Programm

Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg

Telefon: +49 6221 54 - 14431
E-Mail:   Upstream Office

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