Past Events by Upstream
14.03.: International Day of Mathematics
20.04.: First lunchbreak of the semester - Topic: Welcome back upstream!
27.04.: Field trip to SAS. Please email us to apply for a spot. This is an all-day event.
28.04.: Girls'Day! You can find all workshops offered by Heidelberg University on the offical Girls'Day website. Programm via MINTmachen.
05-06.05.: Workshop "Networking for Women* in STEM" with Dr. Angelika Wolf. Again, please email us for a spot! This is a two-day event.
11.05.: Lunchbreak with management consultants from d-fine - Topic: What is consulting and what can mathematicians do at a consulting firm?
21.05.: Joint online event with the Bonn Tea Time with Women in Math - Teatime Heidelberg/Bonn!
08.06.: Lunchbreak with Frau und Beruf Mannheim - Topic: career planning, their services and questions for consultation
29.06.: Upstream field trip to the office of consultancy group d-fine. Please email us to apply for a spot. This is an all-day event.
06.07.: Joint lunchbreak with the Bonn Tea Time with Momen in Math - Topic: Mental health, resilliance and stess in studients an within academia with Prof. Dr. Monika Sieverding
15.07.: Upstream Studientag for High School Students with an interest in Mathematics.
17.10.: Welcome Day of Heidelberg University - Find upstream at the Neue Uni to get to know us.
19.10.: First lunchbreak of the semester - Topic: Welcome back upstream!
09.11.: Lunchbreak
11.11.: Collaboration: Local artists present Talking Heads - A dialogue between arts and sciences in a novel format, 7-9 pm, Konferenzsaal (5th floor) Mathematikon.
16.11.: Prospective Student Information Day - Find upstream at INF 227 and find out what our upstreamers' experiences were like starting a degree in Mathematics.
14.12.: Lunchbreak
11.01.: Lunchbreak
12.01.: heiPOD Episode - Queerness an der Uni und Antidiskriminierung in den MINT-Fächern - Was macht eigentlich... Upstream? -- can be found via Spotify, ApplePodcasts and the website of the University. (German.)
20.01.: Upstreamers@work - Your opportunity to get information on career paths after your degree from women who have started theirs.
08.02.: Lunchbreak - with guests from our Equality Office UNIFY: Charlotte von Knobelsdorff and Evelyn Kuttikattu
26.04.: Lunchbreak - start into the new semester with upstream!
27.04.: Girls'Day 2023 - die naturwissenschaftlichen Institute haben wieder ein buntes Programm zum Girls'Day zusammen gestellt. Das Programm findet ihr auf der Homepage des GD via MINTmachen
10.05.: Lunchbreak - with Anna Seitz from SAP. Let's talk women in tech!
25/26.05.: Workshop: Rollenmanagement in der Wissenschaft - Arbeitsbeziehungen verantwortungsvoll gestalten mit Dr. Angelika Wolf und Dr. Sarah Weber
14.06.: Lunchbreak with the Career Service
16.06.: Workshop: Rollenmanagement in der Wissenschaft (Follow-Up Termin)
23.06.: upstream does Art! We will be visiting the Heidelberger Kunstverein (Heidelberg Art Association) and receive a guided tour through the current exhibitions. Meeting point: HDKV @13:00, duration 1 hour.
12.07.: Final lunchbreak of the semester
25.10.: Lunchbreak - Welcome back upstream!
15.11.: Lunchbreak with Dr. Johanna Schwarz from hei_Innovation
22.11.: Studieninformationstag an der Uni Heidelberg
08.12.: Field trip to the German Stock Exchange(To register please sign up here: Deadline 01.12.23)
13.12.: Lunchbreak with Mr. Carsten Pinnow from Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
10.01.: Lunchbreak - Bidding farewell to the semester
Upstream Programm
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 6221 54 - 14431
E-Mail: Upstream Office