The HGS MathComp Lecture Series
The graduate school organises a variety of different events to communicate with different target groups on topics of mathematical modelling, computer science applications and the role that these two key technologies play to solve challenges of the 21st century and also to attract more people to understanding latest trends in these sciences.
Von Neumann Lectures
2021 - Prof. Liam Paninski • Department of Statistics and Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Columbia University, New York: "Scaling Neural Data Science"
2020 - Prof. Prof. David Keyes • King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST): "Data-sparse Methods for Large-scale Optimization and Spatial Statistics"
2019 - Dr. Hadley Wickham • Chief Scientist at RStudio, Adjunct Professor at University of Auckland, Stanford and Rice University: "The Present and Future of Tidy Data"
2016 - Prof. Wu-ting Tsai • National Taiwan University: "Revealing physics in microscale air-sea interaction using computational simulation"
2015 - Dr. Dirk Hartmann • Siemens AG: “The changing Role of Simulation - From Mathematics to CAE Democratization“
2013 - Prof. C. Johnson • Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (KTH): "The Secret of Flight - Direct Fem-Simulation of Turbulent Flow“
2012 - Prof. Alexandre Ern • Eastern Paris Federal University (Paris-Est Sup): "Adaptive inexact Newton methods for discretizations of nonlinear diffusion PDEs"
Ladyzhenskaya Lectures
2018 - Dr. Anna Trykozko • University of Warsaw: "Pore scale modeling of flows in weakly permeable porous media – a hybrid computational approach"
2016 - Prof. Maria Specovius-Neugebauer • University of Kassel: "Time periodic solutions to the Stokes problem in a layer: the behavior for large x"
2012 - Prof. Marta Sanz-Solé • President of the European Mathematical Society & University of Barcelona: "Visiting Sets with Random Trajectories"
2011 - Dr. Doina Cioranescu • University of Paris: "Homogenization of reticulated structures"
Courant Lectures
2012 - Prof. Srinivasa Varadhan • Courant Institute New York: "Large Deviations for Random Graphs and Random Matrices"
2011 - Prof. Gerhard A. Holzapfel • Royal Institute of Technology: "Computational Biomechanics: Implications for Clinical Medicine with an Example in Cardiovascular Mechanics"
2010 - Prof. Lloyd N. Trefethen • University of Oxford: "Chebfun: A New Kind of Numerical Computing"
Public Lectures
2018 - Prof. Christian Hesse • Universität Stuttgart: "Warum Mathematik glücklich macht"
2015 - Prof. Robert Lang • Alamo, California (US): "From Flapping Birds to Space Telescopes: The Art and Science of Origami"
2014 - Jean Pütz • Wissenschaftsjournalist, Fernsehmoderator: "Wissenschaft mit AHA-Effekt"
2013 - Prof. H. Lesch • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich: "Von Dunkler Materie bis Alpha Centauri"
2012 - Jens Schöbel • University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt & Crytek: "Mathematical and Computational Modeling in Game Design"
2012 - Dr. Clemens Wagner • VRmagic GmbH: "How Virtual Reality Led to a Paradigm Shift: Simulators for Diagnostics and Surgery Training in Ophthalmology"
2012 - Dr. Gabriele Gramelsberger • Freie Universität Berlin: "Philosophie der Simulation - Zum Wandel der Wissenschaft im Zeitalter des Computers"
2010 - Dr. Wolfgang Burger • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie: "Von der Kunst des Erfindens"
2009 - Prof. Erwin Stein • Leibnitz Universität Hannover: "Theoria cum Praxi: Die genialen Erfindungen von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz"
2009 - John Sanday FSA OBE • Global Heritage Fund: "Restauration of the Banteay Chhmar Temple - The story so far"