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HGS MathComp - Where Methods Meet Applications

The Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences (HGS MathComp) at Heidelberg University is one of the leading graduate schools in Germany focusing on the complex topic of Scientific Computing. Located in a vibrant research environment, the school offers a structured interdisciplinary education for PhD students. The program supports students in pursuing innovative PhD projects with a strong application-oriented focus, ranging from mathematics, computer science, bio/life-sciences, physics, and chemical engineering sciences to cultural heritage. A strong focus is put on the mathematical and computational foundations: the theoretical underpinnings and computational abstraction and conception.

HGS MathComp Principal Investigators are leading experts in their fields, working on projects that combine mathematical and computational methodology with topical research issues. Individual mentoring for PhD candidates and career development programs ensure that graduates are fully equipped to take up top positions in industry and academia.

Upcoming Events [see all...]

09.09.2024 - 11.09.2024
Theory & Methods
HGS MathComp Annual Retreat 2024
Location: Worms, Germany
Organizer: HGS MathComp
The HGS MathComp Annual Retreat will go on for 2.5 days and will feature workshops to improve academic practice and chances for our Fellows to present their current research.

More information and a detailed program will be available in the upcoming months on the website of the HGS MathComp Annual Retreat.
11.09.2024 - 13.09.2024
Practicals & Schools
4EU+ Joint DFH/UFA workshop on AI in Medicine: Optimised Trials with Machine Learning (Paris)
Location: Sorbonne Center for artificial intelligence (SCAI) • Paris, France
Registration: Please apply on the workshop website (Deadline: April 30, 2024)
Organizer: SCAI & MIISM
This event is jointly organised by the Sorbonne Center for artificial intelligence (SCAI) and Mannheim Institute for Intelligent Systems in Medicine (MIISM) and is financially supported by the international organisation “Franco-German University”.

The aim of the three-day workshop, held from September 11th to 13th 2024, is to bring together researchers in the field of machine learning for an information exchange in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. The topic of the first workshop is "Optimised Trials with Machine Learning". This involves the use of machine learning methods in randomised clinical studies in order to obtain better statistical information about interventions or diagnostic procedures. Recent progress in this field is presented by internationally recognized researchers from Sorbonne and Heidelberg but also from other institutions such as the 4EU+ alliance member universities.

The audience will comprise a diverse group of PhD students from the fields of medicine, biology, and computer science. The event has 40 seats available, with 10 reserved for participants from other 4EU+ alliance members and the remaining 30 allocated to students from Heidelberg University and Sorbonne University.

Please contact Angela Queisser for funding options through 4EU+ and HGS MathComp.
17.09.2024 - 18.09.2024
09:00 - 17:00
Key Competences
Conference Presentation
Compact Courses
Speaker: Julie Stearns, impulsplus
Location: On-site in Heidelberg
Registration: Please register on the event website
Organizer: Graduate Academy
This course is part of the course program of the Graduate Academy.

The latest information and a registration link are available on the course website (log in with Uni-ID).

HGS MathComp fellows can get a reimbursement of the course fees. Please submit your proof of payment and certificate of participation to

"Wow, that presenter is so good in front of an audience. If only that were easier for me!" Being a good speaker is often just a question of developing a set of skills and techniques. The use of voice and body language, an effective presentation structure and the dynamic use of language require awareness and practice. The workshop helps to identify and explore these requirements, from self-reflection to self-assurance and long-term excellence.