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HGS MathComp Annual Retreat 2022

September 5-7, 2022
Jugendherberge Speyer

The 2022 Annual Retreat will have the overall topic The Future of Simulations and will take place in Jugendherberge Speyer. We will have the time to listen and discuss some industrial and research talks, completed by some contributions from current and aspiring members.
The Annual Retreat will also be a great opportunity to get to know other HGS members.

Your Fellow Speakers,

Masi, Nils and Manuel


You can find the Book of Abstracts  here.

Retreat Schedule


(last updated 29.08, 18:00)

CT: Contributed Talk,  IT: Invited Talk.

Monday 5th of September

13:00 -- 14:15Arrival and Registration
14:15 -- 14:30Welcome Remarks by Fellow Speakers
14:30 -- 15:30ITBenjamin Stamm
RWTH Aachen
Acceleration of Quantum Mechanical Simulations by Exploiting Similarity
15:30 -- 16:00CT

Marcel Meyer


Invertible Neural Networks for Molecular Interactions
16:00 -- 16:30Coffee Break
16:30 -- 17:30IT

Gerit Brandenburg


Future of Simulation in Industry: Physics or Data Driven Approaches
17:30 -- 18:00CT

Jonathan Teuffel


Learning the Determinants of Interprotein Electron Transfer From Combined Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Mechanics Simulations
18:30 -- 19.00


Walk to the dinner venue

19.00 - open end Dinner at Loi Xua, Viatnamese Restaurant, Speyer
late night (optional) Board Games in the Common Room

Tuesday 6th of September

7:00 -- 9:30


9:30 -- 10:30IT

René Haber


Challenges in Automotive Sensor Fusion
10:30 -- 11:00Coffee break  
11:00 -- 11:30CT

Tom Rix


Photoacoustic Image Synthesis with Deep Learning
11:30 -- 12.00CT

Da Eun Kang


Emission-Line Diagnostics of HII Regions Using Conditional Invertible Neural Network
12:00 -- 13:30Lunch
13:30 -- 14:00


Florian Krellner


Quantum Optimization @ SAP
14:00 -- 14:30CT

Eric Hartmann


Developing a Reactive Molecular Dynamics Scheme for Protein Mechanochemistry
14:30 -- 15:00Break
15:00 -- 16:00IT

Johannes Fieres

Volume Graphics

Physics Simulation Based on Industrial Computed Tomography Images
16:00 -- 16:30Coffee Break
16:30 -- 17:00IT

Lisa Koeppel

Denkinger Group Global Dx

Statistical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
17:00 -- 18:00DiscussionHGS Fellow Speakers and ParticipantsNot Simulation But Reality: Moving the HGS MathComp Forward
18:00 Dinner at Jugendherberge Speyer
late night (optional) Board Games in the Common Room

Wednesday 7th of September

7:00 -- 9:30Breakfast
9:30 -- 10:30HGS Fellow Speakers and ParticipantsClosing Remarks
10:30Leaving the Premises